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Gallatin County Commission Meeting Minutes December 04, 2007
Gallatin County Commissioners' Journal No. December 04, 2007
County Commission
10:11:03 AM
Chairman Skinner
Call to Order, Moment of Silence, Pledge of Allegiance. Present were Commissioners Skinner, Murdock, and White, Deputy County Attorney Kate Dinwiddie and Acting Clerk to the Board Stephanie Young. (Clerk Note: Meeting was held at the Three Forks School Auditorium located at 210 E. Neal St.)
10:11:11 AM
Chairman Skinner
Noted that the Commissioners are pleased to be able to bring County Government to Three Forks.
10:12:12 AM
Chairman Skinner
Agenda Announcement: Regular Agenda Item(s): #2: Public Hearing and Consideration of a Request for a Reduction in Letter of Credit for the Improvements Agreement for Phase I of the Falcon Hollow Major Subdivision, Item #6: Approval of Purchase and Sale Agreement and Authorization to Transfer Funds for the Kennedy Conservation Easement, Item #9: Approval of Purchase and Authorization to Transfer Funds for the Pessl Conservation Easement, and Item #10: Approval of Purchase and Sale Agreement and Authorization to Transfer Funds for the Hargrove Conservation Easement - have all been continued for a date uncertain.
10:13:18 AM
Chairman Skinner
There was no public comment on any matters within the Commission's jurisdiction. Barry Straight, spoke in regards to who is responsible for the maintenance and up-keep of Clarkston Road.
10:13:48 AM
 Discussion and Questions
10:19:17 AM
Public Comment
Gene Townsend, Mayor of Three Forks, thanked the Commissioners for holding today's meeting and bringing County Government to Three Forks.
10:20:22 AM
 Discussion and Questions
10:20:43 AM
Public Comment
Darby Miller, spoke in regards to installing a light on Amsterdam Rd coming from the freeway.
10:21:32 AM
 Discussion and Questions
10:24:56 AM
Acting Clerk to the Commission Stephanie Young
Read the Consent Agenda as follows: 1. Approval of Claims; 2. Approval of Meeting Minutes from November 20 & 21, 2007, 3. Approval of Contract(s): Montana Department of Transportation for the FY 2008 Selective Traffic Enforcement Program, Repurchase Agreement Modification with First Interstate Bank due to Change in Interest Rates, 4. Approval of Budget Transfer for Justice Court to Cover Costs of Scanning Equipment in the Amount of $2,896, 5. Approval of Budget Transfer for District Court for new Radios in the Amount of $4,052 - has been continued for December 11, 2007, 6. Approval of Budget Transfer from the Road & Bridge Impact Fund to the Capital Projects Fund, 7. , 6. Approval of Budget Transfer from the Road Department to Repair Equipment in the Amount of $1,300, 8. Decision on a Boundary Relocation Exempt from Subdivision Review Request for Petna Properties, 9. Decision on a Boundary Relocation Exempt from Subdivision Review Request for Flikkema, 10. Decision on Final Plat Approval for the Amended Plat of Minor Subdivision #376 (Four Corners Professional Park), and 11. Authorization to Transfer Funds into Escrow for the Bolhuis Conservation Easement
10:26:26 AM
 There was no public comment.
10:26:35 AM
Commissioner White
 I'd make a motion to approve the consent agenda as it was read into record.
10:26:41 AM
Commissioner Murdock
10:26:44 AM
 Board Discussion
10:28:08 AM
 Motion passed unanimously.
10:28:12 AM
Chairman Skinner
Contract Award for 9-1-1 Center Architecture Services Construction Documents and Construction Services
10:28:26 AM
Grants Administrator Larry Watson
10:30:46 AM
Deputy County Attorney Chris Gray
Advice and Comments
10:31:13 AM
 Discussion between the Commission and Chris Gray
10:31:35 AM
 There was no public comment.
10:31:48 AM
 Board Discussion
10:31:58 AM
Deputy County Attorney Chris Gray
Acceptance of ThinkOne Architects as the most qualified respondent under the procurement for the purposes of production of construction documents and construction administration.
10:32:15 AM
Commissioner White
 So moved.
10:32:17 AM
Commissioner Murdock
10:32:18 AM
 Board Discussion including Larry Watson
10:33:38 AM
 Motion passed unanimously.
10:33:42 AM
Chairman Skinner
Regular Agenda Item #2: Public Hearing and Consideration of a Request for a Reduction in Letter of Credit - has been continued. Continuation of Decision to Adopt a Resolution Approving the Collyard Variance Request from Section 7.5 of the Hyalite Zoning Regulations Regarding Side Yard Setbacks (Public Hearing held November 8, 2007 - Zoning Hearing)
10:34:10 AM
County Planner Tom Rogers
Staff Report
10:34:52 AM
 Discussion and Questions
10:35:05 AM
 There was no public comment.
10:35:17 AM
Commissioner Murdock
Move to approve Resolution #2007-147 as described by Tom Rogers.
10:35:25 AM
Commissioner White
10:35:29 AM
 Board Discussion
10:35:43 AM
 Motion passed unanimously.
10:35:58 AM
Chairman Skinner
Public Hearing and Decision Regarding a Resolution to Adopt the Prescott Project Sub-Area Plan as an Amendment to the Belgrade Area Growth Policy
10:36:19 AM
Belgrade City-County Planner Jason Karp
10:42:26 AM
 Discussion and Questions
10:50:16 AM
Mark Miszner, PC Development
Applicant Comments/PowerPoint
10:50:38 AM
 Discussion and Questions
10:53:34 AM
 There was no public comment.
10:53:49 AM
Commissioner Murdock
Acknowledged and read comments into the record from Brian Overman.
10:54:29 AM
Commissioner White
 I'd make a motion for the, to adopt the Resolution #2007-148.
10:54:42 AM
Commissioner Murdock
10:54:45 AM
 Board Discussion/Findings
10:55:10 AM
 Motion passed unanimously.
10:55:36 AM
Chairman Skinner
Public Hearing and Comment on a Conservation Easement Donated to the Montana Land Reliance by Ken and Shelly Williams
10:55:47 AM
11:05:14 AM
 Reconvene to meeting.
11:05:18 AM
Open Lands Coordinator Mike Harris
11:06:03 AM
 There was no public comment.
11:06:10 AM
Chairman Skinner
Noted that this item will be continued for a date uncertain.
11:06:11 AM
 No Action Taken.
11:06:18 AM
Chairman Skinner
Approval of Purchase and Sale Agreement and Authorization to Transfer Funds for the Sinnema/Flikkema Conservation Easement
11:06:19 AM
 Discussion between the Commission and Open Lands Coordinator Mike Harris
11:06:28 AM
Chairman Skinner
Noted that this item will be continued for a date uncertain.
11:06:29 AM
11:07:07 AM
 No Action Taken.
11:07:10 AM
Chairman Skinner
Approval of Purchase and Sale Agreement and Authorization to Transfer Funds for the Kelly Conservation Easement
11:07:16 AM
Open Lands Coordinator Mike Harris
11:08:37 AM
 Discussion and Questions
11:08:50 AM
 There was no public comment.
11:08:58 AM
Commissioner Murdock
I move to approve the purchase and sale agreement and authorization to transfer funds for the Kelly Conservation Easement, comments.
11:09:21 AM
Open Lands Coordinator Mike Harris
11:09:25 AM
Commissioner White
11:09:29 AM
 Board Discussion
11:10:19 AM
 Motion passed 2:1. Commissioner White opposed.
11:10:26 AM
Chairman Skinner
Approval of Purchase and Sale Agreement and Authorization to Transfer Funds for the Kennedy Conservation Easement
11:10:33 AM
Open Lands Coordinator Mike Harris
11:12:04 AM
 There was no public comment.
11:12:13 AM
Commissioner White
 I'd make a motion for the approval of purchase and sale and authorization to transfer the funds for the Kennedy Conservation Easement.
11:12:22 AM
Commissioner Murdock
11:12:28 AM
 Motion passed unanimously.
11:12:32 AM
Chairman Skinner
Regular Agenda Item #9: Approval of Purchase and Sale Agreement and Authorization to Transfer Funds for the Pessl Conservation Easement - continued for a date uncertain. Regular Agenda Item #10: Approval of Purchase and Sale Agreement and Authorization to Transfer Funds for the Hargrove Conservation Easement - continued for December 11, 2007.
11:12:47 AM
 There were no Pending Resolutions.
11:12:48 AM
11:12:49 AM
 Meeting Adjourned.